Providing top class veterinary care for our feline patients, in a caring, sensitive manner is our aim. We are accredited as a Cat Friendly Clinic at the Silver Level, demonstrating our commitment to looking after our cat patients to the highest standard. Feline medicine and surgery have undergone such advances in recent years, as to make their care almost unrecognisable to vets not up to date with modern thinking.
Part of the Cat Friendly Clinic programme is that every accredited practice is a member of International Cat Care. We all keep up to date on the advances in diagnosis and therapeutics which are transforming the lives of those entrusted to our care. No longer is kidney failure a death sentence. No longer do we need to wonder how to treat an overactive thyroid effectively. Cancer treatments can save lives, and provide many months or years of comfortable good quality life, to cases which even a few years ago had only euthanasia as a realistic option.
We have small diameter endoscopes, both rigid and flexible, to facilitate imaging even up a cat’s nose, or down their narrow airways! We have a high quality colour Doppler ultrasound which we can use to characterise heart problems in cats – again something almost of science fiction ten short years ago!
At Cedarmount, we are very experienced dealing with the tricky feline case. Cats can be very challenging – they can present as simply dull, off form and off their food, signs which can reflect merely a mild insignificant ailment, or a life-threatening disease. The challenge is to recognise the difference, and diagnose the disease rapidly and accurately.
As cats get older, many will develop hypertension, due to thyroid, renal or other issues. In many cases the vet will suspect this because during their annual check up at booster vaccination time, a gallop rhythm will be detected. Correctly managed, hypertension is not a problem – left untreated it accelerates kidney failure, and causes blindness and seizures.
In Northern Ireland, as we are seeing progressively warmer winters, fleas have become a year round problem. If your cat gets outside, he/she will catch fleas, and bring them home to live! The only effective way to stop it is to use preventative flea treatments available from the practice. We strongly advise against flea collars, or any permethrin-based flea product (these latter are toxic and can be fatal) – many of the pet shop/supermarket products contain these dangerous compounds – ask us for safe, effective alternatives.
Every year we see cats poisoned by pet-shop flea products incorrectly administered – not all poisoned cats survive. We sell products containing fipronil that work even though they are never absorbed into the skin/bloodstream – thus being exceptionally safe for use in cats.